This paper suggests that by integrating a documentary production and research project into a short-term summer abroad program, we can enhance students’ international experience and improve their oral proficiency, media literacy, and research skills. Studying abroad may be one of the best tools for helping students understand our interconnectedness to a larger world by building bridges of understanding and compassion (Reynolds-Case 311). Combining this experience with inquiry-based documentary production, which teaches a full range of critical, conceptual, organizational, managerial, interpersonal, and creative skills (Edwards 9), creates a unique experiential learning opportunity for undergraduate students.
Read the full paper here from the Journal of Film and Video.
Prokhorov, Alexander, and Jes Therkelsen. “ReVisualizing St. Petersburg: Using Documentary Production in a Short-Term Study Abroad Program to Enhance Oral Proficiency, Media Literacy, and Research Skills.” Journal of Film and Video, vol. 67, no. 3-4, 2015, pp. 112–124. JSTOR,