reVisualizing St. Petersburg: Using Documentary Production in a Short-Term Study Abroad Program to Enhance Oral Proficiency, Media Literacy, and Research Skills

This paper suggests that by integrating a documentary production and research project into a short­-term summer abroad program, we can enhance students’ international experience and improve their oral proficiency, media lit­eracy, and research skills. Studying abroad may be one of the best tools for helping students understand our interconnectedness to a larger world by building bridges of understanding and compassion (Reynolds-Case 311). Combining this experience with inquiry-­based documen­tary production, which teaches a full range of critical, conceptual, organizational, managerial, interpersonal, and creative skills (Edwards 9), creates a unique experiential learning opportu­nity for undergraduate students.

Read the full paper here from the Journal of Film and Video.

Prokhorov, Alexander, and Jes Therkelsen. “ReVisualizing St. Petersburg: Using Documentary Production in a Short-Term Study Abroad Program to Enhance Oral Proficiency, Media Literacy, and Research Skills.” Journal of Film and Video, vol. 67, no. 3-4, 2015, pp. 112–124. JSTOR,