Greener & Gold chronicles the rise of the College of William and Mary from unsustainable to one of the most environmentally-responsible colleges in the nation, according to “The Princeton Review’s Guide to 311 Green Colleges: 2011 Edition.” From the founding of the Keck Lab to the formation of the Environmental Science and Policy Program, the mechanisms to attain a more sustainable campus were put into effect long ago. It wasn’t until recently, however, by leveraging a Green Fee of $15/semester on themselves, were students able to move the struggle from logistical to operational.
Produced by: Jes Therkelsen
Directed, Shot, Edited by: Pratyush Dubey, Aaron Port, Bernice Chu & Jes Therkelsen
Music by: Lucas Gonze, Trevor Garrod, The Squash Blossums, & Moby
What the video on WHRO, Williamsburg’s Affiliate PBS station at this link.