Unscene DC

The city is a visual playground. Thousands of images vie for our attention; whether consciously perceived by us or not, they are communicating to us. UNsceneDC was a three-year long experiment, made possible through funding from DC Arts and Humanities Council, to collect geo-tagged, user generated videos positioned on a map at the exact location where they were recorded inside the borders of Washington, D.C. The above video was one of those videos. The original site is no longer available.

In gathering user-generated videos across the city, UNsceneDC emphasized urban visuality, highlighting the diversity (and similarities) of experience. UNSceneDC was started in 2006 and collected over 250 submissions in the three years. The website was built from scratch, with multiple content managers. Visitors to the website were allowed to explore the archive on an interactive map, discovering videos uploaded from every corner of the city.