
Complete works of all films I worked on in my career.

The Gallery

Opening a gallery is harder work than most artists anticipate, but sometimes a little perspective can go a long way. With artist Rob Vander Zee.

Booms Up

For some, throwing boomerangs can be a meditative art, a metaphor for life in a lot of ways. How you put something out, will come back to you.

Four Minutes

You sit down on a chair in a large circle of chairs facing inward. In front of you, another concentric circle of chairs facing out. A bell rings and you begin conversation. You have four minutes to make a connection with the man or with the woman in front of you. Then the bell rings again, and you now have a fresh face smiling at you. And a fresh four minutes to make a new connection.

Best Part of Everything

The Best Part of Everything is a personal short documentary that explores a family facing their hopes, dreams, ambitions, and regrets as the parents prepare for retirement and an empty nest while the 20-something children set out for the real world (whatever that may be).